Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days Home with Mommy...

marshmallows drop
like snowflakes into her cup-
we practice counting

mittens hang
from the mantle, and I, on
her every word...

icicle rhymes
with tricycle


  1. Nice group. Gentle, but not sentimental.

  2. You love of being a mommy just cries out in every word. Your children are fortunate to have you.

  3. Each one is lovely by itself.
    All three together, perfect.

    They all say love.

  4. Kristin!
    __Seems you've been quite content with those snow-days... there's an certain lilt in this group!


  5. An excellent set Kristin. The second poem here is one of the most moving I have read in a while.

  6. Oh, sweet friends! Thank you all so much for your kind comments. This set meant a lot to me as I wrote it. With the anticipation of our second baby's arrival growing and growing, I have found myself falling in love with my little girl more and more as well. She's going to be a wonderful big sister and she's such a gift.
