Sunday, September 27, 2009

Morning has come just as it does every other day. It's as if the sun doesn't understand that you're leaving. I stand in the doorway, holding our baby girl. Her warm body, still heavy with sleep, is unable to block the early autumn chill from my bare arms. I feel yours slide around us, enveloping us in what the little one calls a "fam-i-ly hug". Kiss. Kiss. Kiss again. I send up a silent prayer for your safety as the car door closes. Then as quickly as the morning came, you drive away...let the countdown begin.
sun rises
tail lights fade
sun sets


  1. Well Janice and Ralf, here is your haibun (as promised). :) I don't know if I did the form any justice, but I certainly did my emotions justice...which I guess is the most important thing!

  2. Beautiful, heart-wrenchingly beautiful, I will add goodwill and prayers for your husband

  3. Been here last night....couldn't comment due to some technical problem with ISP,

    as always I loved all your poems, Kristin...and to read poetry by your husband...interesting, :)

    and this one..a bit sad, but beautiful and I remember you saying you will be writing sad ones by end that he started writing poetry, he should be writing you back too, :)


  4. Kristin this was just beautiful!! You need to publish a book! Give Andy some competition :)

  5. Lorraine, thank you so much! I truly appreciate it.

    Devika, Thank you and welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful trip.

    Cindy, I'm so flattered! A book would be a dream come true...maybe someday. :) I don't know that I'd be much competition for Andy, though...truth be told, his book is one of my favorites and reading it was what inspired me to start writing again. Now he's going to get a big head! ha ha. :)

  6. very nice. I've been through this many, many times.

  7. Poignant write Kristin... and a good start to a difficult poetry form. I wish you strength and courage in the coming weeks while hubby is gone.

  8. Thank you, Janice. I sincerely appreciate both the compliment and the kind wishes. :)

  9. knowing exactly where you're coming from young lady....and loving the way you've captured our hearts as we send our guys off to their "other love"
